Janet Rayner

Janet Rayner oil painting " the things we choose to ignore" links to larger image
Janet Rayner oil painting, Moment, links to larger image
Janet Rayner oil painting "Passage" links to larger image
Janet Rayner oil paintint, Threshold, links to larger image
The Things We Choose to Ignore


Dream Stretcher
Janet Rayner oil painting "State of Affairs" first piece
Janet Rayner oil painting, The Edge, links to larger image
Janet Rayner oil painting "State of Affairs" second piece
Janet Rayner oil painting "State of Affairs" third piece
Janet Rayner oil painting, The Betrayal, links to larger image
The Edge
State of Affairs (triptych)
The Betrayal
See the process that Janet uses to create an oil painting.

I love conveying the power of emotions and dreams through my paintings. These paintings are explorations of my psyche, life experiences and personal growth.